As the semester winds down the CDP team wants to continue to affirm and be thankful for all the facilitators who made this semester possible. This week we want to highlight one of our pairs who facilitated race this semester: Elizabeth Cavic ’18 and Veronica Freyvert ’18! Here’s what they have to say about CDP:
Why CDP?
Elizabeth: In my experience, CDP is one of the few classes on this campus that actually deals with how social justice functions in the real world. While other classes are much more about social justice theory in all its iterations, CDP brings together people of diverse backgrounds and teaches them how, for lack of a better word, to dialogue. Especially in 2017, it is critical that we have these dialoguing skills to push ourselves and the people around us out of our respective comfort zones until the world around us looks and functions how we want it to.
Veronica: After getting my first taste of social justice education in an intro sociology course, I started looking for more. I stumbled across CDP, and it changed my life, and I mean that in the cheesiest way possible! Not only has it been the primary way I engage in social justice work, but CDP has also changed the way I communicate with others for the better.
Favorite thing about your co-facilitator?
Elizabeth: She is incredible about giving affirmations (this is one of her favorite parts of CDP and she is impeccable at them).
Veronica: Elizabeth is one of the funniest people I have ever met in my entire life. Even after particularly tough sessions, I can always count on her to make me laugh!