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Spring 2024 Facilitators

After undergoing an intensive four-day training at the beginning of the semester, and while participating in EDUC/ILRID 4826: Leading Dialogue Across Difference, CDP’s undergraduate facilitators are responsible for guiding one section of EDUC/ILRID 2610 in intergroup dialogue over the course of the semester. Additionally, our undergraduate facilitators lead tailored programs for undergraduate groups, organizations, and courses.

Anna Hooper

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2025

Hello! I'm Anna. I am a junior communication major from Middleburgh, NY. Outside of IDP, I am a Student Advisory Committee member for the Cornell Tradition Fellowship and a Cornell Daily Sun staff writer. In my spare time, I love watching movies, going on walks around campus, and hanging out with friends. I am so excited to continue my journey as an IDP facilitator this year. This class has transformed how I perceive and navigate the world. Through interactions with my peers, I recognized the importance of dialogue, collaboration, and connection when planning for social change. In IDP, I am empowered to see myself as an educator, a student, and changemaker. I can't wait to learn and grow with everyone this semester!

Bita Molaie

College of Human Ecology, 2025

Hi! My name is Bita, and I'm a junior majoring in Human Development with a minor in Inequality Studies. IDP has had a profound impact on the way I connect and communicate with others, cultivating my passion for facilitating relationship-building dialogue. Outside of IDP, you can find me tutoring for the Writing Center or helping out in the Developmental Moral Psychology Lab! I'm looking forward to forming new connections with everyone, as both a facilitator and a learner.

Brittanie Chen

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2025

Hi! My name is Brittanie, and I'm a junior studying information science with a minor in architecture at CALS. I usually spend most of my time at the gym or making delicious food. I took IDP my spring semester of sophomore year, and it completely changed the way I look at social identities and the social structures around the world. I learned how to be a better communicator, whether it be in the workplace or with my friends and family. I am grateful to have this opportunity to become a facilitator and learn about myself and others!

Celeste Lim-Robinson

Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, 2026

Hey! My name is Celeste, and I'm a sophomore in Dyson concentrating in Strategy and minoring in Inequalities Studies from outside of Boston, MA. In my free time, I love watching and analyzing film and TV and cooking new recipes for friends. You might have otherwise seen me on campus as a Research Assistant in the Business Simulation Lab or serving as Kappa Delta's VP of Diversity & Inclusion. I took IDP this past fall and was struck by how closely its mission aligned with my values and passions. I'm so excited to see so many students dedicated to making our world a more interconnected, understanding place, and I can't wait to help in achieving that goal!

Christian Kuhl

School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 2025

Hey everyone! My name is Christian Kuhl, and I am a junior majoring in Industrial and Labor Relations. I took EDUC 2610 my first semester here, and it continues to withstand the test of time as the best class I've taken during my Cornell career. This will be my second semester facilitating, and I could not be more excited! Outside of class, I enjoy taking walks around campus, playing guitar, seeing my favorite bands live, or hanging with my two beautiful dogs. I hope to continue to create a welcoming classroom environment, and share the love that I have for this class with others!

Claire Ceske

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2024

Hi I'm Claire, I'm technically still a Biology major in CALS but now I'm mostly working towards a Masters in Computer Science. Taking EDUC 2610 freshman year was one of the best decisions I've ever made and I am so grateful that I get to continue being a part of it 3 years later. Outside of school, I really love being in nature, my favorite is to look for macro invertebrates in rivers or the ocean like crustaceans or insect larvae. But I'm always down for more *conventional* outdoor time. I'm so excited to be back in this amazing environment and I hope everyone taking EDUC 2610 will come to love this course as much as I do.

Claire Qian

School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 2024

Hi! My name is Claire Qian, and I am a senior majoring in Industrial Labor Relations. On campus, I am the Co-President of Asian Pacific Americans for Action (APAA) and VP of Recruitment for Cornell University Parole Initiative (CUPI). In my free time I enjoy figure skating and I look forward to making meaningful connections with everyone!

Gavin Ross

Nolan School of Hotel Administration, 2026

Hi everyone! I'm Gavin and I'm a sophomore in the Hotel School from San Carlos, California (near Stanford). I took IDP last fall and it completely changed the way I think about my identities and the way they interact with the world. I'm involved in the Hotel Student Mentorship Program as well as Hotel Ezra Cornell here on campus. When I'm not engaging with my academic interests, you can usually find me searching for good eats and recharging with my friends. I'm so excited to continue learning about myself and all of you throughout my time as a facilitator, and can't wait to meet all of you!

Graylin Gogolak

Nolan School of Hotel Administration, 2025

Hi! My name is Graylin and I am a junior in the Nolan School of Hotel Administration from Las Vegas, Nevada. Alongside my passion for hospitality, I also have a passion for learning from others and connecting with my community which is why I decided to become an IDP facilitator. Outside of IDP, you can find me dancing on the sidelines as a member of the Cornell Dance Team!

Hans Garcia

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2025

Hi! I'm Hans and I am a junior in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences studying Environment & Sustainability. IDP has taught me so much about myself and the spaces that I occupy, and it continues to guide my everyday interactions. I'm a first time facilitator, and I'm really looking forward to this upcoming semester. Outside of IDP, I'm a student coordinator for Intramural sports.

Isaac Dorio

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2026

Hi, I'm Isaac and I'm a sophomore at Cornell. I started my IDP journey in the fall of my freshman year. After a very intense semester of self-recognition and reconciliation, I wound up facilitating the spring of my freshman year and can't stop. Through facilitation, I realized how important what we teach really is which is why I'll switching my major to anthropology and music because it helped me understand things about myself I would have never come to see otherwise. Outside of IDP, you can pretty much always find me in a piano practice room in Lincoln Hall, playing bassoon in the symphony orchestra, identifying every plant outdoors, and enjoying adventures with my friends!

Joselyn Auquilla

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2025

Hi hi!! My name is Joselyn, and I am a junior Biology major in CALS. I took EDUC 2610 my sophomore fall, and I really enjoyed the experience. IDP helped me foster new connections with people I would not have met had it not been for this class. The unique community IDP cultivates has allowed for interesting conversations I have not seen in other classes. I am excited to be facilitating once again!

Lauren Madrigal

School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 2025

Hi! My name is Lauren and I’m from Dallas, TX. I am a junior in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations pursuing a minor in Law and Society as well as Business. Outside of IDP, I am a legal volunteer for the Cornell University Parole Initiative, I serve as VP of Programming for the Prison Reform and Education Project, and I am also a member of Impact Dance Troupe. My experience in EDUC 2610 inspired me to engage in communication across difference both in my personal and professional life. I am returning as a facilitator in an effort to inspire others and to continue learning from others through collaboration and dialogue.

Lucia Caravella

School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 2026

Hey, I'm Lucia! I'm a sophomore studying Industrial and Labor Relations. I'm from a small town called Homer about 20 miles from Ithaca. At Cornell, you can find me singing with the Cornell Chorale, working at the Kheel Center in Catherwood Library, writing for the Cornell Book Review, or as an ILR Peer Mentor for incoming ILRies. Whenever I can, you'll find me reading, listening to fun podcasts, or (re)watching my favorite TV shows (especially Gilmore Girls). I was introduced to IDP by an upperclassman ILR student who raved about the skills she learned and the people she met. While taking EDUC 2610 spring semester of my freshman year, I understood her praise! I love what IDP stands for, and I am beyond excited to continue my journey as a facilitator, to strengthen my dialogue skills, continue exploring myself and my identities, and to keep learning ways to communicate across difference, a skill I believe is vital in today's climate!

Noah Courtney

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2024

Hi! My name is Noah, and I’m a third-year Biological Sciences major in CALS with a minor in Education. I transferred to Cornell in January 2023 after graduating from Harford Community College in my hometown in Bel Air, Maryland. My academic interests include Discipline-based education research, and I plan to pursue a PhD and build a career as a college professor. Outside of work, I'm an active member of Cornell Undergraduate Veterans' Association, and I'm usually looking for a coffee shop or a new place to explore. Fun facts: I'm a certified Scientific Diver, have studied at 5 different colleges, and am a big fan of lists! I am excited to begin my IDP journey as a facilitator, and I look forward to forging strong connections this semester.

Olivia Tukpui

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2024

Hi! My name is Olivia and I am a junior in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences studying Biology and Society and minoring in Global Health. I took EDUC 2610 Spring Semester of my very first year at Cornell, and I am excited to continue to learn and grow as a facilitator this Fall! Outside of IDP, I am a big foodie and like trying different (and sometimes weird lol) food combinations, listening to music and having a good time.

Orania Al Bulushi

Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, 2025

Hi! My name is Orania and I am a junior at the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management. As a freshman, EDUC 2610 was one of my favorite classes so I decided to come back as a facilitator for a third time this year! IDP was a different experience outside of my classes at Dyson, it allowed me to challenge my thinking and understanding of other people, so I felt like there is still a lot for me to learn from the wonderful IDP team and class. Outside of IDP, I love to make perfumes and experiment with oils and scents as well as design clothing pieces and explore fashion studies. As a returning facilitator, I'm excited to meet everyone and continue to grow!

Orlando Galindez

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2024

Hi! My name is Orlando Galindez and I'm a senior studying biological sciences in CALS. Outside of class I like trying new foods, rock climbing and binge watching TV shows and movies. I took EDUC 2610 Spring 23 and loved my experience. IDP was a comepletly different experience than any other class I've taken. I was able to meet people from so many different backgrounds and majors that I wouldn't have met otherwise and became close friends with those in my class. I'm excited to share this experience with you all and look forward to the thought provoking dialogues we will have in class.

Reynold Dundas

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences , 2026

Good morning, afternoon, or evening! My name is Reynold, and I'm a second-year animal science student in CALS. I also plan on taking up a minor in education. If I'm not doing classwork, chances are I'm at the Cornell Raptor Barns or I'm on a bike ride. If you see me, don't hesitate to say hi! I took IDP last semester, and it was by far one of my favorite classes. As a facilitator, I wish to help promote genuine communication within our community while further improving my own dialogue skills. I look forward to a great semester filled with valuable learning experiences — for all of us!

Rosie You

College of Human Ecology, 2025

Hi! My name is Rosie and I'm a junior studying Human Development in the College of Human Ecology. I was born and raised in South Korea and in fact, living in Ithaca is my first time living away from home. IDP has allowed me to better understand myself and others, and has given me the courage to step outside of my comfort zone in social settings. It's helped me become more open to connection, share emotions, and engage in authentic conversations. It's truly been an exciting journey, and I can't wait to spend more years with this amazing community.

Samira Islam

School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 2025

Hello! My name is Samira, and I am a junior in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations with minors in Education, Business, and Leadership. Outside of my academic pursuits, you can find me creating yet another Spotify playlist, taking in any opportunity to cherish the warm weather, and embarking on food adventures at any point of the day. I took EDUC 2610 during the spring of '23 and I found it to be such an eye-opening and enjoyable experience. I loved having the opportunity to be in a setting that valued connection and authenticity. I am so excited to be a facilitator this semester and create a memorable experience for those interested in taking the class!

Shrutika Damle

College of Human Ecology, 2025

Hi! My name is Shrutika, and I am a sophomore studying Human Biology Health and Society at the College of Human Ecology. I also plan on getting a minor in Biometry and Statistics. I have spent a majority of my life in California but have also lived in India. At Cornell, outside of the classroom, you can find me at Amit Bhatia Libe Café whipping up some of your favorite drinks! I joined IDP spring semester of my freshman year and truly enjoyed the experience. The class was thought-provoking and helped me better understand myself as well as others. I chose to facilitate this semester because I want to help share the mission IDP stands by, the community it creates, and the conversations it fosters. I am excited to take on this new role and grow my skills in dialoguing!

Sierra Kinsler

Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, 2024

Hi! My name is Sierra and I am a junior in the Dyson school from Baltimore, Maryland. Outside of IDP I am a Meinig Family Scholar who enjoys biking, singing, and impulsively chaotic dance sessions. Taking EDUC 2610 has done amazing things for me and my relationships both professionally and personally that I never before imagined possible. As a facilitator, I am super excited to have the opportunity to bring this positive experience to others! This semester, I hope to continue to improve my own dialogue skills while promoting a diverse Cornell community, in both identity and thought, where discussing our differences is a rewarding experience! Cheers to an amazing semester!

Shruthisri (Sri) Ravisankar

School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 2025

Hello! My name is Sri, and I am from San Jose, California. I am a sophomore in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations. I took EDUC 2610 during the spring semester of my first year, and it was unlike any other class I’ve taken. The emphasis on self-growth, critical reflection, and community building inspired me to step into the role of a facilitator. I am excited to create meaningful connections, and look forward to learning alongside all of you this semester!

Teresa Crisantos-Prudencio

College of Engineering, 2025

Hi! My name is Teresa and I’m a junior Studying Civil Engineering in the College of Engineering. I’m from Staten Island, New York which explains my love for bridges. To no surprise I enjoy building legos and climbing rocks. I’m also the Co-Peer Mentor Leader for OADI’s peer mentorship program. I took EDUC 2610 last semester and learned so much that has allowed me to grow as a person. As a first time facilitator I’m excited to continue learning and meeting new people.

Victoria Capobianco

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, 2024

Hey hey! I’m Vic, and I’m a fourth-year biological sciences major in CALS with minors in Spanish as well as Latin American studies. When I’m not pursuing my academic interests, you can usually find me at practice, as I am a member of the varsity cross country and track teams. I am also a part of Cornell Biomedical Device. In my free time, I love to embroider and knit! I am so excited to continue my IDP journey as a facilitator this semester. I hope to continue to create and cultivate new relationships, hear different perspectives and experiences, engage in dialogue across difference and step outside of my comfort zone.

Will Lin

College of Agricultures and Life Sciences, 2024

Hi! My name is Will and I’m a senior from Taipei, Taiwan, studying Communication in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. I took EDUC 2610 during the spring of 2023 and was inspired to take on the facilitator role to further explore the complexities of identities, inequalities, and social change. In my free time, I enjoy going to the gym, analyzing films and screenplays, and reading memoirs.