Our next Humans of CDP are Mia Mishaan '19 and Deja J. Canty '20. These two co-facilitated a dialogue on Socioeconomic Status. Here's what they have to say about CDP and each other:
Why CDP?
CDP has become a place where I feel both safe and challenged. It has taught me to be more empathetic towards other people, and be more reflective about how I communicate with others. It has made me a better leader in my other organizations on campus and has brought me a support network of people to care for me while holding me accountable. CDP is one of the most rewarding things that I have done on campus, and has been a defining aspect of my Cornell experience.
I really enjoyed being a student in the course last semester. It brings out a deeper level of introspection I wouldn’t have outside of the context of the class, and I enjoy how much it makes us think about the complexities of identity. I also have a lot of fun introducing that complexity as facilitator at times.
What is your favorite thing about your co-facilitator?
My co is one of the kindest people I know. Whenever something goes wrong and might set me in a bad mood, she actively tries to get through it without becoming jaded. Her spirit is kind of unwavering. Her capacity for self reflection and improvement is super impressive. I can’t count the number of times when she’s explained something that I just couldn’t find the words for. I couldn’t have asked for a better co for my last time facilitating.
She definitely catches non verbal cues very well and I think that’s really important. She knows when to step in or step back.