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Undergraduate students

Humans of CDP #46: Ana ’23 & Kathryn ‘22

This week’s #HumansofCDP features co-facilitators Ana Suppe '23 and Kathryn Stamm ‘22. Here's what these two have to say about CDP and each other:

Why CDP?


It has been a great way for me to ground myself in my experiences and take ownership for my identities as well as to progress and help others to do the same.


I wasn’t sure that Cornell was the right fit for me when I chose it, but I know now that it was because I needed to find CDP. This may sound overly dramatic, but CDP offered me words to talk about the big things and helped me find my voice. It gave me language and the space to think and talk about social identity and empowered me to dream big and do good. CDP has challenged me and stretched me and supported me and wrapped me in love. It has, without question, made me a better person, and I think the work we do is towards a better world. I deeply believe in our mission, and I can’t really see myself doing anything else.

What is your favorite thing about your co-facilitator?


I love Kathryn’s honesty, reliability, kindness, and how much she truly cares about me and our class!


I have so many favorite things about Ana! She is perceptive, meticulous, and thoughtful. This shows up in the way she carefully prepares for class and debriefs afterward, because she notices the closest details and knows what to do to care for our students. This is her first time facilitating, and she blows me away each week with her sensitivity, vulnerability, and compassion for our students. She is also deeply kind and generous in supporting me as a facilitator and person, and I am actively grateful to see her for the ways she makes me laugh. Her independence, grace, and humor that she maintains while doing hard work perpetually astounds me, and even more she continues to reflect and grow and strive to be better. I so admire Ana and am lucky to be her co.