Today we’re highlighting Danny Maher ‘21 and Jeannie Yamazaki ‘21, this semester’s EDUC 2610 co-facilitator dynamic duo (and this week’s #HumansofCDP!) Here’s what these two have to say about CDP and one another:
Why CDP?

What is your favorite thing about your co-facilitators?
Danny is a fun, dedicated, and insightful co. Our strengths balance each other well — in some ways he’s braver than me, and I think he’s helping me be a facilitator who can better challenge and empower our class. It’s the last semester for both of us, and it’s exciting that every week we’re still looking to try new things together and help each other grow. Chaos cos forever, baby.
I tell her this all the time–Jeannie has such a unique energy that I am positive we would’ve been best friends in high school if we went to the same one. I’ve always looked up to her as a long-time facilitator in the CDP community. Being able to facilitate with her is a privilege. I love watching the wheels turn in her brain while she tackles so many different dynamics in an effortless manner. Jeannie is very passionate about education and empathy, and I feel like I am learning so much just by being her co. So, my favorite thing about working with Jeanine? I think it has to be just Jeannie. There’s no one else I’d rather facilitate with this semester!
What is the most rewarding part of being a CDP facilitator?
Always the students. It is a singular privilege of my Cornell career to have been a facilitator to 5 semesters of EDUC 2610 students. My students have challenged my way of thinking, trusted me with their stories (and been entrusted with my stories in return), and shown me the power of human connection. They have taught me how to be hopeful, be patient, and be confident. To any of my students who are reading this, thank you. There are no words that can capture how deeply CDP has changed my life, but at the heart of why I love CDP is because it gives me hope. Time and again, it has shown me that people can change for the better — and most of all, that I can too.