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CDP Alumni Fellows

CDP Alumni Fellows have demonstrated a sustained commitment to CDP and to their own growth as facilitators beyond their time at Cornell.

As Cornell students, they co-facilitated one or more semesters of our 3-credit course for undergraduate students, Intergroup Dialogue (EDUC 2610). Since graduating, they have completed a minimum of six hours of formal professional development led by CDP leadership, ten hours of structured facilitation within CDP offerings, and eight hours of peer-led learning. Through these experiences, CDP Alumni Fellows have developed advanced skills and expertise as dialogue facilitators.

Current CDP Alumni Fellows

Alex Castroverde, CALS '23

Cole Johnston, CALS '20

Elana Kupperman, CALS '16

Hadar Sachs, AAP '17

Jeannie Yamazaki, CALS '21

Kyle Muña, CHE '21

Nelson Liu, CIS '23

Headshot Veronica Dickson

Veronica Dickson La Rotta, ILR '18