In this episode, Baba, Janani, and Rachel describe the messages they’ve been told about humility, when they’ve been humbled, and their struggles to find the right level of humility for themselves as they move throughout the world.
IDP Resource: Listening & Learning with "I" Statements
Episode 4. Humility
Discussion Questions
- Which of your own social identities feel most salient to you when thinking about humility? Why?
- Can you think of a time you’ve been made aware of a “blind spot” that you have? What did you feel in that moment?
- What are spaces (e.g. school, media, household, friend groups, sports, places of worship, etc.) in your life you can think of where humility is valued? Where is it devalued?
Writing Prompt
In this episode, humility is described as a characteristic that can foster learning and growth. What have you gained from demonstrating humility in your life, and what has humility cost you?
Related Readings
- Why the confidence gap is a myth (Thomson, 2018)
- This overlooked trait is the key to true allyship (Hill, 2020)
- Finding strength in humility (Schwartz, 2013)
- Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong (Resnick, 2019)
Experiment with CDP’s latest offering: Listening & Learning with the “I” Statements podcast. This guide is an accompaniment to our podcast, “I” Statements, where people with different identities come together to share their own beliefs, experiences, and perspectives, demonstrating both the power and the possibility inherent in communicating across difference.
These episode guides are for people who would like to incorporate the podcast into their work with students and/or colleagues.
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- APA: Intergroup Dialogue Project. (2020, September). IDP Resource: Listening & Learning with “I” Statements, Episode 4. Humility. Intergroup Dialogue Project – Dialogue Across Difference.
- MLA: Intergroup Dialogue Project. “IDP Resource: Listening & Learning with “I” Statements, Episode 4. Humility.” Intergroup Dialogue Project – Dialogue Across Difference, Cornell University, September 2020,
- Chicago: Intergroup Dialogue Project, “IDP Resource: Listening & Learning with “I” Statements, Episode 4. Humility,” Intergroup Dialogue Project – Dialogue Across Difference, Cornell University, September 2020,