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IDP Resource: Listening & Learning with "I" Statements

Episode 5. Community

In this episode, Jum, Natalie, and Rachel discuss their expectations related to community, when and how they’ve built community, and the ways in which the Coronavirus pandemic has affected their experience of community.

Episode transcript

Discussion Questions

  • What is the relationship between social identities and the communities you are part of?
  • Do you tend to form communities with people who share one or more social identities with you?
  • What is the value to you of forming communities with people across different social identities?
  • The concept of shared values as an important aspect of community comes up throughout the episode.What values are most important to you when looking for or building community? Why?
  • This episode frequently mentions ‘building’ or ‘creating’ community.How have you built or created a sense of community throughout your life?oWhat skills do you think are helpful or important when creating community?

Writing Prompt

How does the modern world – with its technology, global interconnectedness, and ongoing pandemic – affect the way that you have experienced community? What are some of the opportunities that this context offers for creating and maintaining community? What are some of the obstacles that this context presents for those interested in forming or maintaining community?

Related Readings

Experiment with CDP’s latest offering: Listening & Learning with the “I” Statements podcast. This guide is an accompaniment to our podcast, “I” Statements, where people with different identities come together to share their own beliefs, experiences, and perspectives, demonstrating both the power and the possibility inherent in communicating across difference.

These episode guides are for people who would like to incorporate the podcast into their work with students and/or colleagues.

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Cite this CDP Resource:

  • APA: Intergroup Dialogue Project. (2020, September). IDP Resource: Listening & Learning with “I” Statements, Episode 5. Community. Intergroup Dialogue Project – Dialogue Across Difference.
  • MLA: Intergroup Dialogue Project. “IDP Resource: Listening & Learning with “I” Statements, Episode 5. Community.” Intergroup Dialogue Project – Dialogue Across Difference, Cornell University, September 2020,
  • Chicago: Intergroup Dialogue Project, “IDP Resource: Listening & Learning with “I” Statements, Episode 5. Community,” Intergroup Dialogue Project – Dialogue Across Difference, Cornell University, September 2020,